Nutrition & Wellbeing

Nutrition & Wellbeing

All meals are prepared on site by our chefs who will accommodate all dietary and medical requirements. The Home provides home cooked food which is appetising, well balanced and nutritious.

We recognise that mealtimes are an important part of a resident’s day and that eating well in relaxed and pleasant surroundings is so important for physical and mental wellbeing. Residents enjoy the communal atmosphere of the dining room where they can dine well and converse socially.

The Chefs visit all of our residents on a regular basis for feedback and changes are made to the menus accordingly. We also obtain great ideas and suggestions at residents meetings on menu choice and gather fresh ideas for lunch and supper menus. We also cater for specialist dietary requirements and there is varied menu with  good meal choices. We always try to encourage residents to have their meals in the dining room, however, residents may eat in their room, if it is their preferred choice of dining.

See our sample menu

Our Sample Menu